Payload comes with a built-in Plugins infrastructure that allows developers to build their own modular and easily reusable sets of functionality.
Because we rely on a simple config-based structure, Payload plugins simply take in a user's
existing config and return a modified config with new fields, hooks, collections, admin views, or
anything else you can think of.
Writing plugins is no more complex than writing regular JavaScript. If you know how spread syntax works and are up to speed with Payload concepts, writing a plugin will be a breeze.
Example use cases:
Automatically sync data from a specific collection to HubSpot or a similar CRM when data is added or changes
Add password-protection functionality to certain documents
Add a full e-commerce backend to any Payload app
Add custom reporting views to Payload's admin panel
Encrypt specific collections' data
Add a full form builder implementation
Integrate all upload-enabled collections with a third-party file host like S3 or Cloudinary
Add custom endpoints or GraphQL queries / mutations with any type of custom functionality that you can think of
You can discover existing plugins by browsing the payload-plugin topic on GitHub.
For maintainers building plugins for others to use, please add the topic to help others find it. If you would like one to be built by the core Payload team, open a Feature Request in our GitHub Discussions board. We would be happy to review your code and maybe feature you and your plugin where appropriate.